• 2024 年 11 月 4 日 下午 2:12


天地大美.人文長青.衣若芬陪你一起悠遊 Discover Endless Beauty, Nurture Timeless Humanity, Wonder Alongside I Lo-fen

衣若芬AI蘇東坡《定風波·莫聽穿林打葉聲》新唱New Song of ” To the Tune of Ding Feng Bo:”by I Lo-fen’s AI Su Dongpo


10 月 10, 2024


東坡詩詞新唱 New Songs of Su Dongpo Lyrics


Jiang Cheng Zi: Mizhou Out Hunting

In my old age, I once again feel a young man’s daring.
With a hound at my left, and a hawk in my right hand.
Wearing a fine cap and fur robe,
I lead a thousand riders, sweeping across the plains.
To repay the people’s trust in the governor,
I personally shoot a tiger, like the famed Sun Quan.

Drunk and elated, my courage still surges.
My hair has turned grey—so what?
With an imperial order in hand, stationed among the clouds,
When will I be sent like Feng Tang of old?
I shall pull my curved bow like a full moon,
Gazing northwest,
And shoot down the celestial wolf.

By lofeni

讀書。寫作。教學。演講。旅行。我的日常生活。 作家。文圖學創發人。任教於新加坡南洋理工大學。