• 2024 年 11 月 3 日 下午 9:29


天地大美.人文長青.衣若芬陪你一起悠遊 Discover Endless Beauty, Nurture Timeless Humanity, Wonder Alongside I Lo-fen



10 月 29, 2012


目 錄

1. 自我的凝視:白居易的寫真詩與對鏡詩

2. 台北故宮博物院本「明皇幸蜀圖」與白居易《長恨歌》

3. 瀟湘文學與圖繪中的柳宗元

4. 從唐人詩畫中馬的意象看盛唐風光

5. 李商隱詩評價論析

6. 《唐文粹》之編纂背景、體例及其「古文」類作品

7. 好古思想之審美文化心態試論

8. 複製.重整.回憶:歐陽修《集古錄》的文化考察

9. 趙希鵠《洞天清祿集》探析

10. 論宋代題畫詩之興盛

11. 宋代題畫詩詞中的李白形象

12. 「昏君」與「奸臣」的對話──宋徽宗「文會圖」題詩

13. 看畫禪:南宋文人「以禪解畫」之思想內涵──以李生「瀟湘臥遊圖」之南宋題跋為例

14. 劇作家筆下的東坡赤壁之遊

15. 鄭板橋的題畫藝術

This book entitled Exploration of Art (《艺林探微》), which has been published by East China Normal University Press in Shanghai, is a collection of 15 articles. This is the sixth book of Prof. I Lofen, which represents her continual interest in interdisciplinary research. Articles in this book analyzed ancient Chinese paintings, Classical Chinese literature and the writings of Chinese literati’s with respect to their collection of antiques. Most of these articles, which have been published in journals indexed by CSSCI and THCI, have situated the research in both the perspectives of Chinese and Western cultural theories. Three of the fifteen articles were supported by Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Grant in NTU, and another three of them have been translated into Japanese and published as journal article and book chapters in Japan.

One of the highlights in this book is the exploration of the aesthetic consciousness of Chinese literati based on their writings and collection records. As part of the wider material culture studies, this book not only helps readers to understand the “intertextuality” and “antiqueness” of Chinese culture, but also mirrors the phenomena of antique collection nowadays. This in turn will enable us to reconsider the concepts of “price” and “value” in the pursuit of Art.

ISBN: 978-7-5617-9771-6

By lofen