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天地大美.人文長青.衣若芬陪你一起悠遊 Discover Endless Beauty, Nurture Timeless Humanity, Wonder Alongside I Lo-fen



4 月 29, 2015

《東亞觀念史集刊》第6期(2014年6月),頁 35-55 

狹義的「瀟湘」,指流經中國湖南的瀟水和湘江。廣義的「瀟湘」,可泛稱整個中國湖南。從莊子和屈原開始,書寫「瀟湘」的作品凝聚了豐富的瀟湘文化底蘊。大約從唐代起,有瀟湘山水畫創作。北宋文人畫家宋迪以瀟湘的八個景致為題材,繪製「瀟湘八景圖」,成為東亞「瀟湘八景」詩畫的濫觴。 12世紀出使宋朝的高麗畫家在朝廷畫院學習了「瀟湘八景」詩畫。13世紀東渡日本的僧人傳入「瀟湘八景」詩畫。古代越南使臣出使中國的陸路途徑則會經過湖南境內。「瀟湘八景」是東亞諸國共同的詩畫抒情母題,通過「瀟湘八景」的文化意象,可以探析東亞的審美意趣。 本文概述「瀟湘八景」的源起,以及在中國、韓國、日本、越南的歷史發展情形,歸納出中國的「離憂愁緒」、韓國的「嚮往樂土」、日本的「幽玄禪思」、越南的「異域懷歸」,各具特色的藝術表現。 

Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang: The Culture Image of East Asia”, Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia, 6 (June 2014), pp. 35-55.

“Xiao-Xiang” refers to the Xiao River and Xiang River that flows
through Hunan area. Since Zhuangzi and Qu Yuan, literary creations on Xiao-Xiang have developed into a cultural image, and landscape paintings on Xiao-Xiang have also developed from Tang dynasty. Northern Song dynasty painter Song Di illustrated “Eight Views of Xiao-Xiang”, which initiated the poetry and painting creations on Xiao-Xiang in East Asia.
12th century, Goryeo ambassador painters have learned poetry and
painting creations on Xiao-Xiang in the Song court. 13th century, monks travelled to Japan also brought in poetry and painting works on Xiao-Xiang. The over land route of Ancient Vietnamese envoys also went through Hunan province. “Eight views of Xiao-Xiang” is a shared poetry and lyrical motif among East Asian countries. Hence, studying the cultural image of Xiao-Xiang will allow analysis of aesthetic consciousness of East Asian countries.
This paper summarizes the origins of “Eight View of Xiao-Xiang”, as well as their historical development in China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam, each with their distinguishing characteristics.

By lofen