• 2025 年 1 月 26 日 下午 4:05


天地大美.人文長青.衣若芬陪你一起悠遊 Discover Endless Beauty, Nurture Timeless Humanity, Wonder Alongside I Lo-fen



10 月 31, 2019

Observing the Synergy: Text and Image Studies and Asia Horizon (Singapore: Global Publishing, 2019)
 This book comprises 16 papers, written by authors from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy and more. It is divided into 2 volumes: the first volume takes a “Text and Image Studies” perspective; the second volume employs varied perspectives, including Taiwan literature, East Asia cultural interaction, and history of academic research. With a novel and rich content, this is a book of original contributions to the academia.
 Observing the world in an aesthetic sense is the core interest of this book. The title “Observing the Synergy” emphasizes on observing from multiple and diverse perspectives, be it appreciating, inspecting, reading, or browsing, which are the various forms of “observation”. Different observations and objects trigger different responses and feelings. Embodying “Text and Image Studies” allows you to observe the synergy between “texts” and “images” that broadens your horizon in both the academia and daily aesthetics.
*Note on the English title:
Synergy: the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
From a Text and Image Studies perspective, the interaction of texts and images (first part of the title “Text and Image Studies”, as well as observing the world from diverse perspectives (second part of the title “Asia horizon”), produce a combined effect greater than a simple observation from either text or image (addressing first part of the title & first volume of the book), as well as a combined effect greater than a simple observation from a singular perspective (addressing second part of the title & second volume of the book), giving rise to a synergy that can be observed in this book.
美的眼睛东张西望看世界,是本书的核心旨趣。 书名为“东张西望”,强调“观看”的态度,“观看”概括许多的视觉活动─欣赏、品鉴、阅读、浏览……,视觉活动的观看方式和对象不同,产生不同的回响、感受和变异。在多重“文本”与“图像”的互文与再生中,借助“文图学”的升级,为你打开学术研究和日常审美的新视界。

1.尋找娜拉的圖像:二十世紀初期東亞現代女性意象之形塑與挫折  石守謙
2.糖衣古籍X視覺膠囊:蔡志忠繪《老子說》的漫畫、動畫與視頻彈幕  衣若芬
3.漫畫、體育與社會形態——東亞足球漫畫的面相      羅樂然
4.图文共构:从图文生态学视角论绘本中的死亡叙事  陳欣寧
5. 宠物、权力、消费:文图学视角下宠物漫画的隐喻——以漫画《霸道总裁喵》为例  孔令俐
6. 新加坡底层华人启示录——邱金海电影中的“鬼”世界        李逸
7. <烟江叠嶂图>及其题诗分析: 对于图文关系的个案研究与思考     唐冬莅
8. 从庙堂到日常—高丽仿中国古铜器青瓷的物质文化观察       王明彥
9.从“文图学”看典型形象的传播——以苏轼及《笠屐图》为例      向志利
1.在「同」與「不同」之間:「玉山吟社」的詩歌空間意義與社群文化生產    黃美娥
2. 族群•自我•性别——海峡两岸谢雪红书写研究    王艳芳
3. 韩国古代桃花源文学研究    蔡佳敏
4.台湾文学在意大利的翻译研究:历史发展与其主要特征       Sara Nasini

5.从问题到研究─中国“三十年代文艺”在台湾(1966-1987)    张俐璇
6. 跨界與創新——衣若芬東亞研究整理與概述(2003-2015)     莫忠明


By lofen