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4 月 3, 2015




“Dongpo Ti”: Games and Competition of Diplomatic Interaction between China Ming and Chosun via Poetry and Prose     Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,10, pp.433-459, Oct. 2014

The “Huang Hua Ji” is a compilation of works composed by Ming envoys and Chosun court officials. Besides travel literature, descriptions of customs and culture, and travelogues, there are also some pieces which are interplays of word characters. An example of this type of work is the “Dongpo Ti” Poems.
“Dongpo Ti”, also known as “Shenzhi Ti”, is a unique poetry style which involves breaking up, reorganizing, deleting and adding on strokes in characters, as well as using comparatively more “character meanings” in relation to “character illustrations”. 
There are altogether 35 pieces of composition in the “Dongpo Ti” Poems of “Huang Hua Ji”. They were composed during the times when Gong Yongqing, Hua Cha and Zhu Zhifan were sent as envoys to Chosun in 1537, 1539 and 1606.
This article investigates the origin of the use of the title “Dongpo Ti” for this collection; the background and cultural ideologies when the Ming envoys composed the pieces; appearances, forms, textures, and contents; as well as the critiques on “Dongpo Ti” Poems by Chinese and Chosun literati. The author hopes to use “Dongpo Ti” Poems as a case study to study the foreign diplomatic interaction between China Ming and Chosun via poetry and prose.     

By lofen