1956年,凌叔華(1900 – 1990)應邀從英國到剛成立的新加坡南洋大學執教,課餘鼓勵學生組成「文學創作社」,從事文學創作及文藝評論。在南洋大學四年期間,她大多寫作散文,完成了唯一的一本散文專書《愛山廬夢影》。
《新文學史料》2009年第1期 ,頁48-57。
Ling Shuhua in Singapore Nanyang University and Her Argument about Chinese Poetry
Ling Shuhua (1900 – 1990) is a prominent woman writer in the history of modern Chinese literature. Encouraged by Zhou Zuoren, Ling started publishing her literary works in the 1920s and made an indelible mark on the literary arena. She was recognized as the “Chinese Katherine Mansfield”, and was also thought to be comparable with some other female writers, such as Bing Xin and Lin Huiyin.
In 1956, Ling Shuhua was invited to teach in the newly established Nanyang University in Singapore. She was also invited to form a literary writing society with her students and the people of similar interests. During her four years in Nanyang University, her literary works were largely prose. It was then she completed her only book of prose, Aishanlu mengying(Dreams from a Mountain Lover’s Studio).
This thesis aims at the study of Ling Shuhua’s experiences in Singapore, a topic which has rarely been discussed. An analysis on how her composition of prose in Singapore had contributed to her overall literary accomplishments will also be carried out. Furthermore, Ling’s influence on the Chinese literature in Singapore and Malaysia will be expounded.
Ling Shuhua in Singapore Nanyang University and Her Argument about Chinese Poetry Ling Shuhua (1900 – 1990), Xinwenxue shiliao (Historical Documents of New Literature) No.1, 2009, pp. 48-57.