• 2025 年 1 月 26 日 下午 4:34


天地大美.人文長青.衣若芬陪你一起悠遊 Discover Endless Beauty, Nurture Timeless Humanity, Wonder Alongside I Lo-fen



1 月 26, 2009

元代四大畫家之一的吳鎮(1280-1354),以其墨竹畫與漁隱題材的山水畫作稱著於世。本文以現藏於美國Freer Gallery of Art和上海博物館的兩幅傳為吳鎮的長卷「漁父圖」為例,探討以下幾個問題。

一、 晚明以來建構的「貧士吳鎮」形象,與1981年新發現的《義門吳氏譜》中,記載吳鎮出身於航海世家之差異。

二、 吳鎮寄情於畫裡江湖的舴艋舟,以「漁父」作為自我投射的對象,其生命情境選擇的文化典範依據。

三、 梳理《楚辭》、《莊子》以降,作為「智慧長者」的漁父如何經由詩詞的詠讚,轉化為文人嚮往的理想生活形態?尋得吳鎮繪製「漁父圖卷」時所欲承續的典範人物──唐代的張志和。

四、 張志和浮泛扁舟,創作漁父詞,並且「隨句賦象」、「寫景夾詞」,自畫漁父圖詞。此即吳鎮「漁父圖卷」一詞搭配一圖的繪製形態所本。

五、 比較託名溫庭筠所編《金奩集》中,題為張志和所作之漁父詞,與Freer本和上博本傳吳鎮「漁父圖卷」題詞,分析其歷史脈絡及其仿古意涵。


The Untied Boat: Wu Zhen and the Colophon of Fishman Painting (Yu-Fu Tu)

Wu Zhen (1280-1354) is famous in ink bamboo painting and landscape painting of hermit-fisherman in Yuan Dynasty. This essay analysis Wu Zhen’s two fisherman paintings which is in Freer Gallery of Art in American and the Shanghai Museum, discusses following several questions.

1. Status of Wu Zhen: the “poor gentleman” or the “descendant of shipping family”.

2. Self image of Wu Zhen as a fisherman in his paintings.

3. The hermit-fisherman culture in traditional China.The literary origin of the colophons on fisherman paintings.

4. The literary origin of the colophons on fisherman paintings.

Si Yu Yian, Vol. 45, No.2 (Sep. 2007) pp.117-186.

By lofen